5 x 2hr Returning Drama Series
A high-concept crime show, bringing together five elite criminal experts; each one at the top of their field, each one fighting their own personal demons.
A Co-Production with Greenacre Films
6 x 1hr Returning Drama Series
In the first installment of this Irish mythical-thriller trilogy, a mother’s world is turned upside down when her young son is diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour. As his condition worsens, the boy begins to draw detailed maps of his home in a previous life. She's convinced it holds the key to saving her child’s life.
A Co-Production with Tri Moon Films
8 x 1hr Returning Drama Series
Downton Abbey meets Titanic, in this epic saga of adventure and intrigue, on the Edwardian high seas. We follow the lives and loves of RMS Mauretania’s passengers and crew, as they make the transatlantic voyage between Southampton and New York in the Golden Age of ocean travel.
6 x 1hr Returning Drama Series
A by-the-book, city-loving lawyer, has her ‘perfect’ life turned upside down when she’s made the District Judge of a rural magistrates’ court. Set in the heart of a picturesque Lake District town with a very different attitude to the law.
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